Story is
the Window of
the World
This year’s Literacy Week activities have been quite entertaining and interesting to our students; it took place last 25 February to 1 March 2019.
Several new activities were prepared:
Poetry reading
Book making
Book Expo
Everybody had the chance to be a part of it. Lower elementary classes shared their work to the ECC classes. Higher elementary classes read their own poetry composition to the lower elementary classes.
Parents read poetry to grade 4 classes as well as Ms. Peggy, Ms. Nicole and Mr. Chris did storytelling to Pre-K and grade 2 classes respectively.
Thank you so much for the impressive poems “Counting the Stars at Night” (별헤는 밤) read by Oh Eunha Kim DoKyeong (4B) and Kim Doyoung’s (5A) mother, and “Those Who Try” read by Snehashish Chatterjee and Sushmita Chakravarty parents of Shaurya (4B) and Abhay (1A). Teachers also involved in storytelling session with students, thank you to Mr. Chris, Ms. Peggy, and Ms. Nicole who brought us into the adventure.
The students also had the chance to listen to the very creative storytelling of Kak Ariyo from Jakarta about “E,” and gave us tips how to do storytelling confidently.

The culmination day on Friday, 1 March 2019 served as a reflection of what we have done the past week. As an opening act, ECC students’ parade wearing book characters recalling our radiant memory.

More surprises were given as we did the acknowledgements to primary students who borrowed books the most from library and for ECC students who read the books most enthusiastically. Gramedia vouchers were presented for these bookworms accompanied by a certificate of appreciation.

Atria and Ziva who became our Masters of Ceremony concluded the culmination event with a video screening where most of the students sang along with the theme song, “Something Just like This” by Coldplay. Thank you so much for your participation this year, see you in the next Literacy Week. Remember, “Story is the Window of the World.”