K1 Field Trips
“How We Organize Ourselves”
In this unit, K1 learnt about How We Organize Ourselves based on their Unit of Inquiry and the topic itself is about transportation. To be more specific, the students also learnt about different kinds of transportation, how and why people travel and also similar and differences between vehicles. In order to get the students more inquiry about this unit, teachers facilitated them by doing some field trips. Here is the field trip journey behind K1’s field trips:

2. Fieldtrip to Sekupang
On 15 January, 2019, K1 went to another field trip to Sekupang areas to see more transportation. The students went by bus and could see many things especially transportation. Along the way, the students spotted some common transportation means such as cars, motorcycles, buses and trucks but when. We visited “Sekupang Harbor” and the students were able to see boats and ships passing and crossing the Singapore Strait. We passed by the bus terminal for “Trans Batam” and visited “Sekupang Lotus Pond” while the students eating their snacks. After finishing their snacks, we continued our field trip to “Batu Ampar Port” to see the tankers and trailer trucks went in and out the port. Unfortunately, we couldn’t come in to the port due to the schedules of the tankers. Finally, we decided to visit “Golden Prawn” that has a Chinese ship called Cheng Ho. The students were really excited and happy during the field trip even they just stayed at the bus while observing the transport ation.
1. Mini Field trip at school premises
In the very beginning of the unit, in order to know the student’s prior knowledge. Teachers planned to bring the students to see the various kinds of transportation that the students could find around the school areas. They found cars, bus, minivan and motorcycles. In addition, they saw many means of transportation along the street and they learnt about the familiar signs around the school. They were really excited about it. After short trip around the school areas. Moreover, the students were also joined “Biking Week” during their PE lessons as a part of the unit. The students went back to class and started to explain briefly about the means of transportation that they have found at school by doing classroom discussions.

3. Field trip to Hang Nadim International Airport
It was our third field trip about our unit “Transportation”. K1 decided to go to “Hang Nadim International Airport” as a reflection of second line of inquiry; why and how people travel. We went there in the morning by bus. Just like usual, students showed their excitement when they saw many kinds of transportation. When we arrived at “Hang Nadim International Airport”, Some officers welcomed and greeted us. In the beginning, they brought the students to see how the system works and places at the airport not only the airplane, trucks and other transportations. The officers let the students experience how the way people travel using airplane.

4. Field trip to “SMRT”, Singapore
This was our last field trip to end the transportation unit. So, K1 went to SMRT (Singapore Mass Rapid Transit) on March 20, 2019. Not only the students who got really excited and happy about this field trip but also the teachers and parents because this was the first time for K1 to have a fieldtrip to Singapore. The students experienced riding the MRT from Tanah Merah station to Changi station. They were also taught how to buy an MRT ticket, top up an MRT card; places of interest in the MRT station were identified. Most of the students showed their inquiry and got curious during this field trip by asking questions.