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“Humans’ interaction with the natural habitats have significant impacts on living things” is the central idea of the discussed Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet in grade 3 SGIA. The students have explored what and how humans’ interaction with the natural habitats in the world, the impacts of human pursuits on natural habitats, and also what are human rights and responsibilities when interacting with natural habitats. To have further information towards the issue discussed, different kinds of learning approaches were done such as library research, experiments and field trips. Grade 3 students explored school premises to find out the natural habitat and how human made use of the habitat.

Humans’ interaction with the natural habitats


They also had a trip around Batam to observe how people transformed forest to housing and had reclamation around Ocarina beach. Visiting Garden by the Bay was another field trip to observe how human helps in the conservation of the natural habitat. To celebrate the learning of this UOI, grade 3 students has showed their empathy and concern towards the issue on the significant impact of humans’ interaction with the natural habitats by inviting grade 4 and 5 as they wanted to share their voice through drama, singing and making poster.


Sekolah Global Indo-Asia

Jl. Ahmad Yani, Kav. SGIA
Batam Centre - 29461
Batam - Indonesia

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